is a high speed data link between VME and HSDs or HSD devices. Currently, there are over 50 VMEHSDs working in the field on SGI machines (specifically Challenge and Onyx models). The VMEHSD is an intelligent interface with an onboard processor and data processor and data buffering, making it easy for application programmmers to use. It comes with a driver for IRIX 5.2 or 5.3. The VMEHSD emulated the following Encore HSD modes: HSD normal device mide, IBL mode, External mode, and Device emulation mode (optional). It has a built-in self-test for memory and data paths, with tests and diagnostic software available.
William Helmke
Manager of Sales
Applied Data Sciences, Inc.
2270 Springlake Road
Suite 300
Dallas, TX 75234
214-243-0217 (fax)
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